This website is maintained by John O’Dwyer – a health researcher who has read about 500 books on Health. He also wrote a book of his own on Energy Healing. This website is an informational site only. We pass on to you health-related information you may find interesting. What you do with this information is totally up to you. John is not a not a medical doctor so consult with your doctors and health care professionals for all your medical needs.

Our goal is to make health much simpler – for you. We focus on the one nutrient that everyone lacks when they die: oxygen. Oxygen is needed to make Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the fuel for our cells. More alkaline fluids contain more oxygen (a scientific fact) than acidic, or less alkaline, ones. Health practices and therapies that make the body more alkaline provide us with more oxygen. On the other hand, most drugs make the body more acidic – meaning less oxygen is available for cellular power.
Health consists of bodily health, mental health and spiritual/emotional health. ALL of them are tied to oxygen.
Our bodies contain cells which need oxygen to make fuel for them. Very stressful emotions can cause us to enter the fight-or-flight mode (designed for life-or-death crises) which causes our bodies to become very acidic.
In general, things that are good for us result in our bodies having more oxygen available to make fuel (ATP) inside the mitochondria in most cells of the body (red blood cells have no mitochondria).
Most everything that is harmful to the body steals oxygen, that is, unnecessarily uses up oxygen that could be better used for cellular purposes. Some of these oxygen thieves are pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses), parasites, metabolic waste (toxins produced naturally by metabolic processes in the body), electromagnetic fields (EMF) as well as emotional stress and trauma – all of which cause the body to operate with less oxygen. This website will continue to add additional information about methods that may help eliminate toxins and free up more oxygen for you.
Many doctors have found that making the body more alkaline is beneficial because alkaline fluids contain more oxygen than acidic ones (or even less alkaline ones).
We are independent distributors of a number of oxygen-friendly products distributed by these companies (see more information at right):
Solex, LLC
Our goal is to make health much simpler – for you. We focus on the one nutrient that everyone lacks when they die: oxygen. Oxygen is needed to make Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the fuel for our cells. More alkaline fluids contain more oxygen (a scientific fact) than acidic, or less alkaline, ones. Health practices and therapies that make the body more alkaline provide us with more oxygen. On the other hand, most drugs make the body more acidic – meaning less oxygen is available for cellular power.
HTE USA (Hsin Ten Enterprise)
Their flagship product is the Original Chi Machine, created by a doctor (Shizuo Inoue, MD) in Japan who tested it on 100,000 people. Some unscrupulous companies have tried to make knockoff machines. Unfortunately, their machines (a) hurt the body since they cannot legally use the correct machine parameters developed by Dr. Inoue and (b) they are not ruggedly built to be used all day long. The Original Chi Machine is a medical device in Japan and is used in some Japanese hospitals.
Enagic USA
Their flagship products are alkaline Kangen Water Machines, which started in hospitals in Japan and are still used in them. I Japan, this machine is certified as a medical device. In the past, when patients were discharged from Japanese hospitals, they were often asked to get Kangen Water at a pharmacy. Because this was inconvenient for patients, Enagic created a Kangen Water Machine that can be used in your kitchen. Alkaline water contains more oxygen then acidic water (most bottled waters that people regularly buy at the market are very acidic). Alkaline (and sometimes even neutral) waters are more expensive than the acidic ones.