Oxygen & Blood
Oxygen is one nutrient which we need in generous amounts minute-by-minute throughout our body. Without it, we become brain-damaged or in need of a funeral after only a few minutes.
Most emergency vehicles carry oxygen tanks. Paramedics, fire fighters, doctors and nurses all know that we cannot survive long without oxygen, a gas contained in our air.
Oxygen is used for creating energy inside the tens of trillions of cells of our bodies and it has many special uses within the body. Oxygen also helps us burn up food, assists in detoxification of harmful chemicals, and is capable of killing harmful pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.
We have one incredibly important compound in the body which is like a rechargeable battery for powering our cell. The more of it we have, the richer we are in terms of energy and health. That substance is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is made within the power generating mitochondria in our cells. Most cells contain a few thousand of these mitochondria.
Oxygen is needed to recharge these cellular batteries. Without oxygen to make ATP we are literally dead.
ATP molecules function as our cellular energy supply and there are many ATP molecules inside the mitochondria within our cells. ATP is our power source and is known as the currency of the body.
We only have perhaps 10 seconds of ATP in our body because our bodies are designed to manufacture most of our ATP constantly – as it is needed. Producing ATP requires oxygen and glucose so if we stop breathing, we will normally live for a few short minutes due to the small amount of oxygen available in the body needed to produce more ATP.
Here is what the author of The Oxygen Breakthrough has said about quality breathing:
And breathing right is unquestionably the single most important thing you can do to improve your life.
– Sheldon Paul Hendler, MD, PhD
Some secrets to better breathing are:
• Breathe the cleanest air you can find at the moment.
• Breathe deeply, expanding the lungs to contain a large quantity of air.
• Rest during your breathing cycle to give your lungs a break.
Most individuals do not breathe correctly. If they did, they would be far healthier. Their lungs would contain larger volumes of air and therefore more oxygen would be available to be transported to the cells of the body which need it for manufacturing our cellular fuel (ATP).
Another way anyone can help get more oxygen is to sing or laugh. The nice thing about singing is that it really doesn’t matter what your musical ability is. People who sing in their car or in the shower, no matter how badly, benefit from extra oxygen.
When we laugh we expel more air from the lungs than we normally do, so this brings in more oxygen-rich fresh air. Laughing also relaxes our chest muscles so the can work better and allow us to inhale more air containing oxygen.
Children readily laugh and do so frequently. Most adults do not laugh nearly as much.
Norman Cousins was a journalist and UCLA professor who was diagnosed with a debilitating form of arthritis, rarely survived, called ankylosing spondylitis in 1964. His doctor gave him a few months to live. Mr. Cousins did some research then fired his doctor and began some alternative therapies. However, he got the last laugh on the doctor he terminated.
A new doctor gave him injections of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, and he began laugh therapy. He watched funny movies such as Laurel and Hardy, The Marx Brothers, The Three Stooges and others. Mr Cousins eventually died some 26 years later, no doubt largely due to extra oxygen.
If we have been breathing fairly clean air correctly with slow, deep breaths, then we have lots of oxygen in our lungs. However, any oxygen in our lungs has a long way to go to get where it is needed – inside our cells.
The bloodstream carries oxygen to our cells – provided we get much of that oxygen into our blood. First, let’s see how oxygen gets into our blood.
The air we breathe goes down our windpipe, then splits into 2 pipes, one going into each lung. From there the air is funneled down into smaller and smaller vessels until it finally enters one of the approximate 30,000 bronchioles in each lung. At the ends of these bronchioles are about 500 million pick up locations (called alveoli) where oxygen comes in contact with our blood. If you spread out all the oxygen pickup locations, it is estimated they would be the size of a tennis court.
Our blood contains red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to our cells. Red blood cells are shaped like little doughnuts, but without holes. Think of them as miniature round barges in the bloodstream. Here is a picture of some red blood cells:

Hemoglobin is a substance, a protein molecule, on top of our red blood cells. Various gases can attach to it: oxygen (heading into the body from the lungs) and carbon dioxide (exiting the body through the lungs). Even carbon monoxide, from smoking, cooking and auto exhaust, for example, can steal hemoglobin seats from oxygen since carbon monoxide attaches to it more readily than does oxygen.
Approximately 280 million protein hemoglobin molecules are located almost everywhere on our red blood cells. Each hemoglobin molecule can only carry 4 oxygen atoms. But just one red blood cell has enough hemoglobin locations on it to can carry over 1 billion oxygen atoms from our lungs to our cells! Not only that, adults have approximately 20-30 trillion red blood blood cells which are capable of carrying an incredible amount of oxygen.
So, if we want our blood to be able to deliver more oxygen to our cells, we need many red blood cells and a lot of hemoglobin molecules atop each red blood cell.
Unfortunately, some individuals do not make enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are unique – they do not divide like other bodily cells. Rather, new red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. Red blood cells have no mitochondria and no ATP. Instead, that cellular real estate is used to house more hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is designed to pick up and drop off gases. It carries oxygen to the cells from our lungs then picks up some waste carbon dioxide there. It takes that carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is dropped off in the bronchioles, goes into the lungs and is then exhaled.
Plants absorb that carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen. That is where we get much of our oxygen. Anyone who says that carbon dioxide is toxic fails to understand that carbon dioxide is used to create oxygen in trees and plants. Without that oxygen, normal life is not possible.
Hemoglobin is almost identical to another substance in nature – chlorophyll. People lacking in iron are said to be anemic or have tired blood. This is because they are limited in how much oxygen-carrying hemoglobin they can make from chlorophyll. If we have sufficient iron, we can swap an atom of magnesium in chlorophyll with an atom of iron in our body, creating one molecule of hemoglobin. There a few other minor changes that are made, but exchanging iron with magnesium is the main one.
Another advantage of doing this is that more magnesium is made available to the body. Magnesium plays a role in hundreds of enzyme reactions in the body and is one of the most important minerals in our body. Chlorophyll is abundant in green plants (e.g., lettuce, spinach, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, arugula, seaweed, etc.) and it what gives the green color to those plants.
Scientists have discovered that when we touch or hug another person, there is a marked increase in hemoglobin – in both people. Some doctors even give their patients a prescription to give a particular number of hugs per day. The more it is done, the better it is for our health.
In an ideal world, most of the oxygen molecules in our lungs will readily find a spot on top of a hemoglobin molecule. Too often, however, our red blood cells are so close together that the oxygen cannot get to many of the hemoglobin sites. Also, when red blood cells are stacked up, they do not move freely.This clumped-up blood is known as rouleaux blood. Here is a picture of some rouleaux blood:

Many people take blood thinners because of clumped blood. Modern life impacts our blood. Just one practice (of many) that impacts our blood is talking on a cell phone. The electromagnetic fields (EMF) can clump up our blood in minutes (or less), especially if the phone is close to our body. Another part of the body affected is our cell powerhouses, our mitochondria. Here is a video showing how cell phones may be affecting our blood and health.
The reason this blood clumping happens is because our red blood cells become sticky due to something called zeta potential. A low zeta potential means that our red blood cells attract each other – causing them to stick too close together. This is problematic because our red blood cells are not moving very quickly through the body nor are they picking up very much hemoglobin.
The solution to this blood sludge problem is raising the zeta potential which causes our red blood cells to repel each other and separate, allowing all of the hemoglobin on a red blood cell to be seen by oxygen. Some methods of doing this are:
- Grounding yourself to the earth which changes zeta potential in about 2 hours. You can sleep on a sheet connected to the earth (by a grounding wire) or simply walk barefoot on the beach or soil.
- Using the HTE Original Chi Machine which changes zeta potential in a few minutes
- Drinking alkaline ionized water (e.g., Kangen Water) which changes zeta potential after drinking a few ounces
One lady (my mom, who never heard of zeta potential) did all of these things for some years until she passed at age 101. Maybe that’s why a cardiologist told her, when she was about the young age 101, that her blood was “perfect.”
Remember, it’s all about oxygen!
Our blood, red blood cells and hemoglobin transport the oxygen in the air we breathe to the mitochondria powerhouses in our cells, so that they can make ATP to power our cells.